Eyes Without a Face
Here are a couple of penciled panels from a page I'm currently working on. It's from a script by writer Kel Nuttall. This particular script is a one shot story based on his creation, Nothingface.
Nothingface was released as a graphic novel from Digital Webbing with art by Yildiray Cinar. It rocked. Since reading it, Kel and I have been trying to match up our schedules so we can tell another NF tale. I still don't have the time to do the bigger story Kel had suggested we do, but I have found some time to work on the smaller one shot script. Depending on the timing of things and this may yet happen. But for now, I'm just working through the script as time allows.
Labels: art, comics, Kel Nuttall, Nothingface
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