Wednesday, October 10, 2007

She Sells Sanctuary

I just flew back from FallCon in Minneapolis and boy are my arms tired. (groan)

But seriously, I had a great time at Fall Con, even though the hot temperatures and high humidity were slowly killing me. Hanging with my good friends Michael May and Alex Ness (and their families), getting to know Jessica Hickman, Grant Gould and Darla Ecklund and meeting tons of comic readers who were very eager to get their hands on a book like KILL ALL MONSTERS! were all highlights of my weekend in Minnesota.

This was my first con that I spent behind a table instead of being a homeless creator that roamed the con floor looking for people to talk to or good deals on comics. It was a great experience. Thankfully, Michael and I were sharing a table so the pressure to be constantly greeting and chatting up people was lessened. I’m not much of a salesman but by the end of the 2-day con I was starting to get into the groove.

The selling of books was all fine and good but the main reason Michael and I were there was to talk up our Kill All Monsters! book to anyone who was interested. And, according to the number of people who flipped through all the preview pages of the first issue and picked up a full color KAM! print, we have a book that seems to have a lot of interest! Now we just need to find it a publishing home that can take advantage of all that interest.

Pictured above is me (left) and Michael May (right).

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Blogger Bernie Gonzalez said...

Sorry I missed you at Fallcon. things got hectic and I couldn't make it. But next year, I'm there! Keep me posted on KAM!


October 25, 2007 11:31 PM  
Blogger Jason Copland said...

Hey, Bernie!

I'm not fully convinced I'll be at next year's FallCon... but if I do go, I hope to get to chat with you!

October 27, 2007 4:01 PM  

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