Here's the next page of that abandoned 24 hour comic. I really should scan the whole thing in and posted it in all. After looking at what I ended up with, I wish I had pushed on and finished it. Shame...
Labels: 24 hour comic, art
well, finish it GJF (goateed jerk-face). Nice stuff by-the-way.
Well, I *could* finish it, I guess. I think I'll let it stay unfinished, though, and look to Oct 18th to do my next 24 Hour comic. (Oct 18th is the official 24 Hour Comic Day, this year)
Any ideas on what the new 24 book will be, in vague? --Dave B.
Well, that's the rub of the 24 Hour comic challenge... you aren't supposed to have anything predetermined before you start. You're not to have any characters, plot, script, outline or stuff like that. Once the time begins, you start making the book up from scratch. Hard to do if you aren't a writer.... that is mostly my problem when it comes to doing the 24 hour thing.
I'm sure people have stuff ready for when they start their 24 hour book, but it's not the "official" way of doing the challenge.
I tried a 24 hour comic once. Even harder if you're not an artist. heh.
I dig your "noble failure" (as Scott McCloud would call it), though. Nicely paced for a guy who claims not to write.
Maybe I'll take another crack at it this year too...
its not really abandoned if the time just ran out on you....Nice work though.
Len - Yeah, I guess it would be difficult if you couldn't draw... but I truly believe that everyone can draw, it just takes practice. I've had a LOT of practice... ;)
Noble failure... I like that!
Mike - I didn't run out of time, actually. I stopped just after the 13th hour. I was tired and I felt the story was not working. I had to play hockey later that night and I didn't want to be totally tired. I'm the goalie and a tired goalie is kinda bad for the scoreboard...
Thanks, guys!
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