I've finished the colours for the Braids pages. Well, they might need a tweek here and there, but they are 98% finished. I've moved to drawing up some more character sketches for the pitch. They'll need to be inked and then coloured, but that colouring will be super easy.
Oh yeah... with the release of Perhapanauts #5 and the reading of the whole Bone collection, I have already accomplished 2 of my New Year resolutions! And the new year is only 3 weeks old. Sweet!
Oh yeah... with the release of Perhapanauts #5 and the reading of the whole Bone collection, I have already accomplished 2 of my New Year resolutions! And the new year is only 3 weeks old. Sweet!
Labels: art, Braids of the Gorgon, colour, perhapanauts
Aah! That looks so good Jason!
Thanks, Venus!
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