Saturday, August 25, 2007

Do The Brown Nose

While Michael May and I have been getting the final Kill All Monsters! pitch together, I've been working on a few drawings to keep me in the "robot vs. monster" mode of thinking. One such drawing is the one above, which I've put together as a "thank you for your support" giveaway. It started out as a sketch but turned into something a little more... involved. Hopefully the recipent will dig it!

UPDATED: I added the image of the pencil drawing as it looked before i inked it. As you can see i added some things and deleted some things while inking it.

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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sinister Purpose

Here's what Bernie Gonzalez at Indie Pulp had to say about mine and Matt's contribution to POSTCARDS: True Stories That Never Happened :

Even as one of the shorter stories in the book, at five pages, “Send Louis His Underwear” imparts a sinister impression. Using a seemingly innocuous line from the postcard (that also supplies the short’s title), writer Matt Dembicki’s tale would make Hitchcock proud. And illustrator Jason Copland’s gorgeous atmospheric artwork flawlessly heightens the narrative’s morose tone.

Now that's what I'm talking about! You can read the whole review here.

Thank you for the kind words Bernie!


Monday, August 20, 2007


The strike continues. It's almost entered its 5th week and there isn't much light at the end of the tunnel, right now.

Say cheese!

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Friday, August 17, 2007

Motorway To Roswell

The Strike enters week 4 and Jason is still doing drawings.

The Man just can't break his resolve.

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Birth-Day (Love Made Real)

Ink on paper. Done while doing some picket duty.

Oh, yeah, today was my day of birth. The grey hairs just keep on comin'!

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Another ink sketch done while on strike.

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Monday, August 06, 2007

As Yet Untitled

Drawn in ink while on strike.

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Friday, August 03, 2007

Union of the Snake

That's me in the middle ground, the one with the Cupe 391 sign hanging off my shoulder (so I could draw more comfortably, of course). CUPE stands for Canadian Union of Public Employees, of which I am one.

We're currently on strike and have been since late July. The weather has been really good for picketing, so I can't complain much. Plus, I'm getting a chance to do lots of sketching. I'll post some pages from my picket sketchbook soon.

Photo by Tamsin Shute.