Sunday, November 19, 2006

Don't Cry No Tears

Work on Kill All Monsters! continues. I've just finished the last page of layouts for a rock'em sock'em robot versus monster throw down! I'm having a helluva time drawing this stuff! Which is a good thing, by the way. Unfortunately, it's too early to start giving sneak peeks at the new pages... I mean, we gotta keep some of this stuff secret or you won't need to buy the book... so I'm posting another panel from the first few pages of the book.

Enjoy! More soon.....

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Sunday, November 05, 2006

A Day In The Life

My 24 hour comic is finally online for all to ridicule... er... read!

I did my comic on this year's International 24 Hour Comic Day (October 7/8) in the comfortable confines of my home studio. I listened to copious amounts of music (as detailed in my previous post) and lived off the sustenance of iced tea and Tim Bits (mostly sour cream ones and chocolate coconut sprinkle ones).

Anyways, please have a look at my comic and, if you feel the urge, please leave a comment here telling me what you thought of it.

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