Friday, July 28, 2006

T & A

Sorry for the short notice but I just found out that the Fanboy interview I took part in a couple of weeks ago will be on KCTU this Sunday at 4PM (pst). Check it out if you can!

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

So Tired

Well, after 3 nights of inking from 11pm until 6am the next morning, I can officially say that the art for the 6 page pitch of FORCES of NATURE (formerly known as Robots vs Monsters) is complete! I don't think I've ever created 6 pages of comic art so fast. And, better yet, the pages rock! They might even be the strongest pages I've done, ever!

Michael and Jason R. have been cooking up the format and content of the pitch package and it looks awesome. And, Kel Nuttall has supplied some unbelievable lettering that kicks the pages into orbit! I'll be very surprised (and devastated) if this pitch doesn't generate some interest from a few publishers.

I leave for San Diego tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully, I'll get some much needed sleep before then.

Wish us luck!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Radio Ga Ga

Wow. Who would have thought I'd ever be interviewed for Fanboy Radio?!! Not me, that's for sure. Scott Hinze, of FBR, was gracious enough to point his microphone in the direction of A. David Lewis and myself..... wait.... I didn't mean it like that.....

Anyways, with the imminent release of EMPTY CHAMBER #1, the good people at Fanboy Radio gave us an opportunity to talk about the book and the creative processes that went into it. It was a fun time! A. Dave did most of the talking (surprise surprise (I kid)) but I think I managed to say a few interesting things, too. I even got to plug the new project I'm working on, Robots vs Monsters (working title). Now I just got to make sure I get the pages done in time for pitching it at the San Diego Comic Convention!

Scott mentioned that it should go live next week. I'll definitely post the time and day here, as soon as I know.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Time After Time

Less than a week left before I leave for the ... gulp.... San Diego Comic Con. It's going to be blur of a weekend, let me tell you.

First off, I'll be burning the midnight oil to get some finished pages of my new, yet to be titled project finished. The comic's writer/co-creator, Michael May, and I are looking to have a solid collection of words and images to show around to potential publishers ( and anyone else we can tempt!). And, with the help of our newly acquired editor, Jason Rodriguez, the pages are getting stronger and stronger. I had hoped to get the pages lettered before going but time is conspiring against us. Kel..... you busy this weekend? :)

On top of that, tomorrow marks the first birthday of my son, Stewart! I don't know where the time went.... it's hard to believe I've been a Dad for a whole year. So, needless to say, some of the weekend will definitely be spent celebrating Stewart's day of birth. We might even take him to get his portrait taken..... time permitting.

Monday, July 10, 2006

On The Cover of the Rolling Stone

Look, Ma! I'm on Newsarama!!!

Big thanks to Matt Brady, of Newsarama, for throwing up this wicked preview of the first issue of EMPTY CHAMBER!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Father Figure

This one makes me smile.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Takin' Care of Business

After much deliberation, and many failed attempts, I've managed to redesign my business card. And just in time to hand them out at the San Diego Comic Convention! I decided to leave the back blank so that there is plenty of room for people to write notes and whatnot.... like the fact that I look like a killer, but I'm actually quite a nice guy.

Anyway, have a look at this baby!

*that fuzz part is me making sure none of you crazy internet people get my phone number!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Roll Another Number (For the Road)

Things are really starting to roll now......

The first issue of Empty Chamber is now available to order through Diamond's July Previews catalogue (Product Code: JUL063416)! If you order through DCBS, you'll get a 30% discount!

The Empty Chamber trailer is being constructed by fellow Silent Devil colleague, Sean McManus. Sean did a trailer for his own book, The Last Sin of Mark Grimm, that was frickin' amazing, so A. David and I are very excited to have him working his magic on our trailer, too! It should be available for viewing very soon.

And, after a few false starts, the Empty Chamber Production Blog is up and running! This is the place where A. David and I are going to pull back the curtain and let you see the inner workings of creating a comic book, from the ground, up! It will be updated weekly. On that, you can count! So, please drop by, have a look around and feel free to leave comments (Although, you must register to leave comments. Unfortunately, it's the only way to keep out the spammers.). We would love to have you there!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

O Canada!

Have a happy and safe Canada Day, everyone!