Thursday, October 30, 2008

High Hopes

Click the image to see it bigger
The Kill All Monsters! pitch pages are complete! They have been colored (by Scott Keating) and lettered (by Kel Nuttall) and are now ready to be sent out in the hopes that they'll find a good publisher to call home. Michael and I are so jazzed about the pages that I feel like I just have to share one of them with y'all! So, here's page 1 for your entertainment!

I'll make sure to keep you all posted on any developments that occur during the publisher hunt!

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Monday, October 27, 2008

Love For Sale

click to see image bigger
I am now selling my convention sketchbook. For a measly $5 you get 28 pages of black and white drawing goodness wrapped in a cool gray card stock cover. There is a great range of subject matter and drawing styles contained within. And, there is even a space on the first interior page for an original sketch... by me!! That's right! If you wish, I will sketch you something original right in your very own copy! Please specify what I should draw, if you don't want me just drawing something of my own design. Postage is included in the $5, if sending it regular snail mail is cool with you, otherwise we can work something out.

If you're interested, just leave a comment here (with a way to contact you) or email me at: j dot copland at telus dot net

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hey Man Nice Shot

click image to see it bigger
Here's another panel from the Perhapanauts story I'm just about to finish. It's a group shot of most of the 'Haps. Enjoy!

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Love Bites

Here's another coloured panel from the all new Kill All Monsters! pitch. Colours by Scott Keating.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

One World (Not Three)

I thought I'd give you all a peek of the Kill All Monsters! logo that will be gracing the mock cover of our pitch package. The logo (and lettering) for the pitch was done by that wacky "Mad Alaskan", Kel Nuttall. It's amazing what quality lettering does for a book! Thanks, Kel!


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Boys Keep Swinging

The inking of my Perhapanauts backup story is in full swing. Perhapanauts creators, Todd and Craig, seem to really like my work and have expressed their interest in having me do the art for another backup story! No firm plans for that, yet, but I'll keep you all posted as that possibility develops. In the meantime... here is the inked page 1 of "Evaluation"! click to see image bigger

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

... And Justice For All

I'm back from FallCon. I'll post more about the show soon but I wanted to show you a part of something that was in my inbox when I got home...
Colourist extraordinaire, Scott Keating, has begun to work on the Kill All Monsters! pitch pages and they look amazing! Seriously, if these pages can't get a good publisher to invest in putting this book out, then there is no justice in the world. Sorry about the small image... That's all I've got right now. Once I get the hi-res files, I'll post a bigger image.

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Friday, October 03, 2008

Steppin' In A Slide Zone

click on image to see it bigger
I'm just stepping out the door to catch my flight to Minneapolis! FallCon 2008, here I come! Here's a panel from the Perhapanauts backup story I'm working on. Inking of said story should commence when I get back from the convention!

Have a great weekend, everybody!

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008


click on image to see it bigger
James Powell, editor of Braids of The Gorgon, has just written about how he got involved Braids and where we are, in terms of progress in the project. He even shared a couple of my character sketches I've recently done (different drawings from the one I'm sharing!). He's a valued member of the BotG team and a great guy. Go check out his site by clicking here.

I'll be out in Minnesota this weekend for FallCon 2008! Looking forward to hanging with good friends, talking to comic fans and making flight connections in Chicago (well, not that last one)! I'll have my brand new convention sketchbook, Marks On Paper, for sale so please drop by and give it a looky. Talk too you soon!

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