Monday, April 30, 2007


Josh and Kody are making a fantastic comic. Click the image below and learn all about it.
PUNKS: The Comic needs your support. Just print off this card, fill it out and take it to your favorite comic retailer thus insuring they will recieve a copy for you. If your comic retailer doesn't order you a copy, it's time to get a new comic retailer.

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Personal Jesus

Something new!

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Wednesday, April 04, 2007


More pimping....

Jason Rodriguez, editor of the upcoming anthology POSTCARDS: TRUE STORIES THAT NEVER HAPPENED, is guest-blogging at Newsarama all this week. He's just posted a small conversation about my contribution, which is pretty interesting. I kinda sound like I know what I'm doing.... kinda.

POSTCARDS is published by Villard Books, a division of Random House, and will be on sale in June. You can pre-order a copy through your local comic store, order code APR074039, or you can get it from a bookstore with the ISBN 978-0345498502. (Or, of course, you can always buy it from Amazon.)


Monday, April 02, 2007



So there's this really cool anthology book called Postcards: True Stories That Never Happened that is in this month's Diamond Previews (order # APR074039).

Postcards is a collection of 16 stories inspired by used, antique postcards that the book's editor, Jason Rodriguez, has collected over the years. It features work by some of the top talents in comics today, including stories from Harvey Pekar and Matt Kindt, Phil Hester, Tom Beland, Stuart Moore and Michael Gaydos, and Rick Spears and Rob G. (You can get a complete list of stories, creators, and bios at the official website. Just click on "Stories & Creators.")

It's a wonderful collection of sequentially illustrated stories that will have people talking about it for years to come. Please consider having a look around the official website and ordering a copy for yourself or anyone else that loves a great read.
