Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Life In The Fast Lane

I'm back from the San Diego Comic Con, tired but ready to get back to work on some pages.

The trip was pretty good. I met some great artists and writers and even got to do some signing (see image to the left) for people who bought the freshly printed anthology, POSTCARDS. I signed so many books that I was getting good at doing the little drawing of myself. Many thanks to Jason Rodriguez for giving me the chance to experience life in the fast lane!

I didn't do any pitching at the show. KILL ALL MONSTERS! is in the process of getting the first 5 pages coloured and as much as I like my black and white pages, it's going to be the colour pages that sell this book to a publisher. So it just didn't seem like the right timing for me to show it around to publishers. I did show the whole uncoloured book to a few artist friends who seemed to like what they saw.

I bought tons of comics. I drank tons of Stone's Smoked Porter. I met Frank Miller and got to tell him that "Ronin" was the book that made me want to draw comics. But, best of all, I saw some old friends and made some new ones.

Special thanks goes out to writer, editor and SDCC roommate, James Powell, who helped make what could have been a stressful 4 day event into a rewarding and fun filled social extravaganza. Even if he was constantly pointing out that I say "eh?" after every 4th sentence. Oh, well. At least I didn't say "hoser", eh?

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Sunday, July 22, 2007


The list of people to see and things to do while at this year's San Diego Comic Convention continues to grow. As does my anxiety. I'll mostly be roaming around looking for all those people and events, but I will be partaking in a book signing on the Friday. Here are the details:

Friday, July 27th. 5 – 6PM. Big signing at the Comic Relief booth (#1514-1523)! Come on by, pick up a copy of POSTCARDS, and get it signed by: Antony Johnston, Tom Beland, Ande Parks, Joseph Bergin III, Rick Spears, Rob G, Gia-Bao Tran, Matt Kindt, Jason Copland, and Jason Rodriguez!

Please drop by and say hello!

Anyways, wish me luck and I hope to have some great news and stories for when I get back!

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Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Coloured Rain

Some days start out perfectly. Case in point....

This was in my inbox this morning.
Colors by Scott Keating


Monday, July 16, 2007

Ch-check It Out

Check out the newly coloured page from Kill All Monsters!
Michael and I are thrilled to have Scott "ELK'S RUN" Keating supplying the colours!


Saturday, July 14, 2007


Happy 2nd Birthday, Stewart!

Love Dada


Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Well, I now know that at least one person actually read a copy of Empty Chamber #2!

Greg Burgas, over at CBR's Comics Should Be Good, said...

The promise of the first issue - weird espionage conspiracy thriller - is largely fulfilled in the second issue, and although this isn’t a perfect comic book, it has a lot to recommend it. Copland’s art works well for a thriller, and when he’s called upon to draw something majestic - a “helicarrier,” for instance (and yes, a character makes a Nick Fury joke) - he’s up to the task. Lewis’ story, which relies on some hoary clichés from the genre - the aggrieved general, the misdirection, the traitor on the inside - is still sharp enough to bring it up a notch to an interesting comic.

You can read the whole review here, and while you're there, why not give the other reviews a read, too!

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Ruff Stuff

Here's a little robot vs. monster action to make the day just a little better. The page shown above is from Kill All Monsters!

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