Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy Holidays!

I'm breaking the No Quarter protocol and not titling this post with a song title.

I just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday and safe and joyous New Year! Here's hoping 2009 is a rewarding year for all of us!

See you all soon!


Monday, December 22, 2008

Any Colour You Like

click to see image bigger
Still trying to get my head around the whole colouring comics thing. There are so many hues to choose from that it can be hard coming up with final colour choices.

One such example of my inability to come up with a definitive color scheme is that of the Gorgon, Euryale, one of the main characters of Braids. Right from day 1, way back in 2001 when Ken and I had our first start working on Braids, I've always visualized her as green. In my brain, Euryale was green. Well, she was until I started colouring the first panel she showed up on. Suddenly, green didn't seem to fit her, it was too obvious. She needed to stand out, be different from the majority of "monsters". But not too different. She also had to be visually interesting when interacting with the other main characters. Sigh.

The above image is part of my attempt to find the right colour for her. I've narrowed it down to more of the blue/purple range, as red, yellow and orange don't really work when she is with certain other characters. Ken and I think we know the one we want. We still have to hear from James to see if we are all in agreement.

In the meantime, I'd love to know which one of the 4 hues shown above would you good people choose for our Gorgon. No answer is wrong so please leave a comment below, if you are so inclined.

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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ritual (Nous Sommes Du Soleil)

click image to see it bigger
Here is a fully coloured Braids of the Gorgon page! This is the first page of the pitch Ken, James and I are putting together.

Colouring my comic art is relatively new to me, the only other colouring I've done was on my 5 page Dear Santa story, "Whatever It Takes" and the 14 page Trickster tale I drew. So, yeah, colouring is still pretty much a "learn as I go" experience. I posted an earlier version of the colours for this page up at Digital Webbing and got a few great critiques, especially the amazing post from pro colorist Nick Filardi, which helped me improve the page. I think it's "done" now, but I never can really tell when something is done.

I'm now almost finished colouring the third page of the pitch. The colouring is getting a little faster, but not any easier.

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Monday, December 15, 2008

The Joker

"Tachy! Tachy! Tachy! You talk in yer sleep, stranger! Drivn' me crazy!" - Packrat, from RONIN.

This is one of the earliest sketckbook sketches I did. Not my best (hey I did this one at work in about 15 minutes!) but this was done as a necessary response to this "gift" (below) my friend Ian from work sent me through the internal mail system...
WHAT???! It turns out that Ian, who is a huge comic fan, doesn't dig the best frickin' comic book ever created! Something about not being able to understand it or something like that. Anyways, since he so obviously needed to be educated about the pure genius that is Frank Miller's RONIN, I whipped up this sketch in hopes that it may spark an interest in something that isn't wrapped in spandex. He says he likes the sketch so maybe there is hope for him!

Hey Ian, have you started reading that copy of RONIN I gave you, yet?

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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown)

Coloring on the Braids of the Gorgon pages has begun. Ken, James and I decided that I should give the coloring a try, so I've been doing that, mostly. I'll post a finished page once I get the thumbs up from the crew.

click image to see it bigger
In the meantime, I did manage to do a few more sketchbook sketches. I'm almost all caught up on them, now! Here's one I did for my friend, Dino. Thanks for your patience, it's in the mail!

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Monday, December 08, 2008

Just Like U Said It Would B

This is the back cover of Perhapanauts #5.
'Nuff Said!

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Friday, December 05, 2008

Speaking In Tongues

click image to see it bigger
I was hoping to have the trade dressed final Perhapanauts cover image for you today, but Todd has been so swamped with stuff that he hasn't been able to send one my way. That's cool. I've got something else to share with you good people!

The above image is a sketch I did in a convention sketchbook for Robotika creator and friend, Alex Sheikman. It's a drawing of Cherokee Geisha (CG), one of Alex's Robotika characters. I'm a huge fan of his book and thought I'd do a drawing concerning the "controversy" over the way CG's word balloons were drawn (in a vertical manner). I thought it was a brilliant way to convey the difficulty people have understanding others who speak with an accent. The reading public? Not so enthusiastic. So in the second Robotika series, Alex "corrected" how she spoke and all was well again in the comic blogosphere. Sigh.

"For A Few Rubles More", the second Robotika mini series will be starting to come out again very soon. Make sure to try and track it down. It's good stuff!

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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Friday I'm In Love

click to see image bigger
Here's the Perhapanauts cover inked. The figure looks a little lost in all that black but it will be balanced once the logo and issue number and such are added. I should be receiving a file of that soon. I'll post it on Friday.

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Monday, December 01, 2008

5 Days In May

click image to see it bigger
This past weekend was mostly spent at home drawing and inking a Perhapanauts cover for the upcoming 5th issue. That's the issue that will have the 7 page backup story I illustrated, so don't forget to ask your Local Comic Book retailer to get you one. Todd and Craig offered me the chance to do the flip cover for that issue, I opportunity that I couldn't pass up! The catch was that they offered it to me on Wednesday and needed it done by noon today!

As some of you fine people know, I'm not the fastest comic book drawer guy the world has ever seen, so this looked to be a huge challenge... to come up with a fully inked and coloured Perhapanauts/Image Comic worthy cover in all of 5 days. But as luck(?) would have it, I managed to get the whole thing done by Sunday afternoon! The fact there was almost no colouring needed for it helped a lot. My wife said that it reminded her of Frank Miller's Sin City covers, which is cool.

The above image is my rough sketch, with cover dress added to get the sense of scale and placement. On Wednesday, I'll post up the inked cover, so come on back!

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